Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Garden dress form to craft room beauty

Isn't she a beauty?  I have to admit I LOVED her our first summer here.  She looked so lovely wearing a dress of lavender clematis... and then IT occurred our second summer.  She became a hideous blob, her fine lines and delicate shape overrun with in a tangled web of vines.  And to be honesty my family did not appreciate her. In fact they found her to be rather creepy/freaky.  Hmpph.. what's a girl supposed to do?  I ripped her out!  Yes you read that correctly!!  We moved the clematis to a much more user friendly are and this lovely lady, well she had a little makeover.  Last night.. while it was raining.  But now...

Isn't she stunning?!  
where she sits primly in the corner awaiting adornment.

Here is what has been going on the past several weeks.  Lots of painting.  The cabinets to the left of the desk were part of this find. You just heard about the desk and shelf just the other day.

I am so excited as this room is closer to completion.  See I share this room.. at the moment it is with the musicians in our family but we haven't moved their things in yet.  The next phase of the project is to finish sorting fabric, craft supplies, and packaging supplies.  After that, its researching how to build a drop down table for sewing projects.  If you have any ideas or have ever made one I would love your input!


  1. Oh it is all looking so great! You have done such an awesome job. I am so glad that your husband likes our shampoo bar and thanks so much for the order!

  2. I love it, it looks so great!

  3. awww she's sooo darn cute! I love her new outfit!

    I'm thinking for the table, something with gate legs? That swings out from the wall?

  4. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I preferred the darker color over the green

  5. I love the color of the dress form! I've always thought it would be cool to have one in our house as an accessory. For the table have you thought about a wood board that would fold down from the wall? When it's not in use it could be a cork board or something.

  6. What a lovely story. Love the dress!

  7. I like the dress form both ways - but the new color looks really awesome with your craft room. Lovely!
