Oh sorry! That would be Bill Whithers! Man, I love the sax solo in this song!
What did we do in Indy? Why a bit of goodwilling! Yep you heard correctly.... we went from Goodwill shop to Goodwill shop. Some were crossed off our list of return locations but other were true gold mines.
Chris came away with some seriously nice shirts and khakis. But seriously I think I am the one who made out like a bandit! I mean look at these.....
Don't you wish you had a pair just like them?!
(They are men's which about did me in!! )
(& i forgot to take a picture before i hacked the legs off so i had to set them back together.)
But do you want to see what they look like now?
Seriously, aren't you the least bit curious?
Okay.... here are the new, revised madras plaid golf pants....