After seeing all the signs around with the words to "You are My Sunshine" I knew what I HAD to do... you see this is "our" song! When we were dating (I think it was when we were dating....) I was given a little top that played music. You would twirl the top and it would play you are my sunshine. I loved it! As time progressed my sweet young husband (he wasn't even 21 when we got married so I was teased mercilessly about robbing the cradle... you see I am a bit older. 5 years to be exact!) bought me more toys. Yes I loved them then and still do! One of our first valentines he bought me a stuffed cow that moos when squeeze it's tummy... and then while in Korea he bought me the elephant which trumpets and the warthog which well makes a noise which is "supposed" to be a warthoggy snorty snuffly sound... lets just say it is more of a sound which my boys love to imitate especially when they were younger. Somewhere along the line he found a paper music box the size of a deck of cards. When you open it up a bouquet of paper flowers pops up and it plays... you guessed it! "You are My Sunshine" So the other morning I got to thinking... what can I make my "sign" out of? Where will I put it? What colors should I use? Then it hit me! I have chalk markers! And a big mirror in the living room... so here is what I did
And do you know what??
I love the fact that I can change out the saying with the swipe of a rag
(yes we have begun the process of becoming debt free... thank you Dave Ramsey... hmm I think.... more on that at a later date, maybe.)
And do you know what else? I discovered I can write on the glass of artwork.