The Family room
A view of the pool and soon to be patio area
The other side of the family room.
The sweet powder room!
The guest/music/craft/exercise room.
The exercise/storage alcove in the "guest/craft" room.
Can you tell I am trying to stake my claim on this room?
Because one, possibly two other somebodies are trying to make it into their space as well!
One day this "alcove" might become a walk-in closet but for now it will hold the Bowflex and shelves for craft supplies.
Do you see that gorgeous door? Well we found out they go on sale on a regular basis... and we get a 10% military discount on top of it. So one by one the remainder of the doors in the house are going to be replaced with these arched beauties.
Now the work FUN begins.... and I already found the most incredible chair already!