Wednesday, May 05, 2010

A day of Befores....

Okay, I know I haven't been keeping up on posting but I really need to show you what I've been doing.  So today is going to be a day devoted to "Befores"...

A WORD OF CAUTION:  The following pictures are not for the faint of heart!  Please understand that this is a fair and honest representation of the "BEFORE".  Yes, this is what our rooms look like after a move... They are in no way indicative of how I keep my house on a regular basis.  For the record, our bedroom door and closet door are kept closed to "visitors".  Now remember I told you these are bad.... but wait until you see the after pictures later on this week!

The walk-in closet (aka unsuspecting dumping grounds):

The master bedroom:
view 1

View 2:

View 3:

I warned you it wasn't pretty!  But I've been diligently working for the past few weeks and what a difference!  No, there will be no reveal today as we are still working on the living room and so my new mirror has not been hung (that and the fact that the wire broke...)

So now I am off to work again!  OH, I do need to say a special thank to "Megan" at Beauty in the Attempt and Gail at My Repurposed Life.  So many of my projects have inspired by their posts... like the cloches, numbered pillows, cool bird baths, etc.

I should have the "AFTER" published by the end of this week as long as there are no unforeseen complications!  Ha ha! 

Hope you have a great week!!