Yes you read that correctly! Chris got the job in Indiana! And I am totally overwhelmed... but that is a great thing. Okay I have to be honest, I haven't told anyone at church. Chris asked me not to say anything to anyone locally so we have kept it very hush, hush here. I still have not called any of my friends here as I know I will break out in tears... They are such wonderful, dear friends in Christ and God has truly blessed us with their friendships! I know the USPS will be getting a lot more business from me! My mom would probably laugh if she heard me say that! For years I was terrible at writing but am trying to make a concerted effort to be more faithful in my written correspondance. In fact I need to sit down and write her a letter today.
About the move... Well, we don't know when we will be leaving as yet. Chris has to fill out additional paperwork and speak with the Colonel who was the hiring official. I think he will know better by the end of today! Thankfully the military pays to move us or I would be daunted by the tasks ahead. As it is we will go through each room and sort, seperate, and discard. The "professional" packers will LITERALLY pack anything! We opened a box once and found a full trash can which had been wrapped and packed... Go figure! This last time they took the attached drawer inserts that fit into the panels in front of a kitchen sinck. They were screwed in and everything. They even tried to take down the medicine cabinet until I stopped them! Ha ha!!
Please keep us in prayer as we prepare for this journey. At present our list of to-do items includes:
-get passports (have to drive through Canada)
-sell house
-sell pick-up
-sell flat bottom boat w/ trailer
-sell snow machine
-get dogs current on vaccinations/paperwork to travel
-sort out severe winter clothes
-empty barn
-look for either rental or house for sale via internet
-contact schools
There is a possiblity we will be travelling over Christmas but don't know for sure yet. I will most definitely let you all know as we find out more!!
I want to thank each and every one of you for keeping us in your prayers as we were waiting! We have prayed so hard about this move. Firstly, that if it was God's will that Chris would get it, and secondly, that if it was NOT his will that we would have the grace to accept it graciously!
I promise I will keep you all posted on our activities in the coming weeks!!