Hello! or rather Bonjour!... the greeting made to/by EVERY shop owner in France. The past few weeks have been a true whirlwind of activity. End of the term, Easter, preparations for a trip to Washington D.C. with the 8th grade class made by my husband and Evan, and then all the preparations for the trip to France that Sean and I made with the high school French program. A whirlwind hardly describes life for the past few weeks. After 8 days in France with 40 high school students and 10 adult.... well let's just say I am typing literally typing with my eyes closed right now. And sleep, what's that? Yes I am currently in withdrawal mode.... but I'm enjoying it. The weather is fantastic here at home... in the 60's (something we did not see in France at all... in fact it was unseasonably cold... we even saw snow!) but is was simply beautiful! oh i am not enjoying the withdrawal from good coffee though. I kept my beverage of choice consumption to a minimum because I knew once I returned home the withdrawal symptoms would be monumental. No not from the lack of caffeine but rather from the lack of good quality coffee. It has been so long since I've had a truly wonderful cup of coffee. One that was so smooth... so incredibly smooth that no sugar or cream was needed. no trace of bitterness, just pure decadence! Yes I miss my coffee!! So if any of you have ever been to France, currently live in France, or have ever had that sublime coffee of France before please, please offer up some advice. Yes I am willing to pay the price in order to get that kind of coffee once again. With no further adieu I present to you but a few scenes from France. There will be more to come in days to follow... days where I am more wide awake and can actually type with my eyes open. days where the washing machine isn't whirring continually in the background. Days where soft music is playing, bread is rising, and projects are underway once again.
Just a few shots from our last evening in France.... spent in Montmatre and the Eiffel tower.
the shops
Montmatre... the classic view of the city
eiffel tower on our final night
the quintessential carousel of France