Thursday, January 24, 2013

Creative stitching....

When I do my wonky quilting I really like to add creative stitching....

its the creative process that really speaks to me

each piece an original.... with a specific person in mind!

sometimes its someone who has inspired me.... a thought.... a passage... but each one unique!

sewing.... ideas in the making

Recently my sewing machine was pulled out...
piles of scraps and fabric sorted.

Just a few snap shots of some of the ideas mulling around in my head

vintage findings

bits of scraps...


Sunday, January 13, 2013

A plea for help...

Okay... I'm going to be honest to you.  This post has been a really hard one for me to write.  Right now my heart is heavy for a family I don't know personally, a family who is good friends of friends of ours. A young family that has been struck with the knowledge of knowing that they might soon loss both father and husband.... to stage 4 brain cancer.   This is a family whose faith in the Lord is so strong as they have been faced with tragedy not once but twice already in their "young" lives.  When Stacey told me about Andy and Cari I asked what I could do.... well friends we have an opportunity here to reach out to this family.  January 27th a Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction is being held at the University of Indianapolis.  100% of the proceeds from the dinner and silent auction will go directly into a trust fund that has been set up the Chastain's... so I am asking that we help out this family.  I personally am making tote bags, reusable snack bags, and some baskets to auctioned.

I am sharing with you a portion of Stacey's e-mail...

"The Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction are being held at the University of Indianapolis on January 27th in honor of Andy and Cari Chastain. We are currently collecting auction items. 100% of the proceeds from the dinner and auction will go directly into a trust fund that has been set up for the Chastains. The trust is overseen by a board of trustees. Anyone is welcome to donate to the trust. Just make your check payable to Andrew D. Chastain Sole Benefit Trust. And send it to:
Andrew D. Chastain Sole Benefit Trust
8063 Madison Avenue, Box 352
Indianapolis, IN 46227
If someone is interested in giving us an auction item I need it by Thursday, January 24th. 
Andy is currently fighting stage 4 brain cancer.  His chance of remission is 25%.  They have two young boys (ages 3 and 2).  Any financial and prayer support we can give them is very much appreciated.  Anyone interested in reading their story can go to 
Even through this difficult trial it is their prayer that God be glorified above all else. He has brought them through tragedy before and they know He will walk with them on this difficult road as well. Just over four years ago they lost their 8 month old baby girl. It was six months after that that Andy had brain surgery to remove a benign tumor. Andy began having terrible headaches again this fall as well as some other symptoms. Thanksgiving weekend he told Cari he needed to go to the hospital and that is when we found out his tumor had returned only this time it was not good. The surgeon told Cari almost immediately it looked cancerous. Since then they have removed as much of the tumor as possible but because they did not want to damage Andy's brain they had to leave a portion of it. It is our hope and prayer that the LORD will choose to heal Andy but we also know God may have different plans that would bring Hm even more glory.
Thanks so much for your help and interest!

Please consider helping this young family... a word of encouragement, an item for the auction, or even a donation, no matter how small would be greatly appreciated.  If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me... I will respond back as quickly as possible.  Once again thank you so very much!  Your prayers and thoughts are greatly coveted right now!

Thanks, Peggy 

Monday, January 07, 2013

Monday's musings

Monday's musings...
brief glimpses of the week, a
way help myself be accountable, remember, and be inspired!

clearing up
sunshine after days of gloom
holiday "party" banners

to do lists
great reading, photography, & recipes
sharpened pencils

giveaway winnings
(nothing like pretty packages in the mail)
day old funnies w/ coffee on the last day of winter break
pumpkin butter candles
Harry Belafonte on Pandora