Monday, January 07, 2013

Monday's musings

Monday's musings...
brief glimpses of the week, a
way help myself be accountable, remember, and be inspired!

clearing up
sunshine after days of gloom
holiday "party" banners

to do lists
great reading, photography, & recipes
sharpened pencils

giveaway winnings
(nothing like pretty packages in the mail)
day old funnies w/ coffee on the last day of winter break
pumpkin butter candles
Harry Belafonte on Pandora


  1. Hi Peggy, thank you for your sweet comment. You can still get the throw at I know the being out numbered thing:)!You have a beautiful blog!Best wishes for the New Year!

  2. Um...may I have that chandeliere, pretty please? Its beautiful! We just bought something somewhat similar for our entryway renovation...whenever that happens:)
